Please reach us at if you cannot find an answer to your question.
At least 6 weeks before travel
14 days
24 - 48 hours
72 hours before your flight departure
30 minutes
PCR covid-19 test is the most accurate and widely accepted test.
Countries are constantly changing their requirements so be sure to check with your airline which test is required. Currently the only country accepting the rapid antigen test is the USA
There are many countries in Africa and South America that require yellow fever vaccination for entry or are high risk of getting yellow fever. Check out this link as it is always getting updated
1. What should I bring to the appointment?
2. What happens at the appointment?
Step 1: You will be asked to fill out a form about your health and the trip you are planning.
Step 2: One of our travel specialists will review this form with you and talk to you about specific vaccinations and medications recommended/required for your travel.
Step 3: You will receive your vaccinations. After receiving your vaccinations we require you to stay in the clinic for 15 minutes for observation. Yellow Fever requires a 15 minute stay.
3. Are there any mandatory travel vaccines?
Yes, the following vaccines could be required depending on the country:
Amani Travel Health Clinic can provide you with the International Certificate of Vaccination at your appointment.
b) MENINGOCOCCAL VACCINE (against A, C, Y, W-135) – Required for Hajj visit to Saudi Arabia.
Amani Travel health Clinic can provide you with a Certificate of Vaccination. (According to the CDC website Hajj visas cannot be issued without proof of meningococcal vaccination see
4. What medical conditions could be aggravated by traveling?
If you have a chronic medical condition, carry a letter from your health care provider outlining your situation and required medications. Find out if there are health care providers who speak your language in the area you’ll be visiting. Canadian consular officials can provide an up-to-date list of local registered physicians and health care facilities in your destination country.
5. What are some resources I can find to prepare for safe travel?
International travelers should always be extra concerned about their health and safety. Here is essential information on travel health risks and preventive measures to keep you and your loved ones safe during your travels. Check the travel health and safety at
6. Can children travel alone?
We strongly recommend that Canadian children carry a consent letter if they are traveling abroad alone, with only one parent/guardian, with friends or relatives or with a group. For the purposes of this consent letter, a Canadian child is defined as anyone who is under the age of majority (18 or 19, depending on the province or territory of residence). You can find a recommended consent letter for children traveling abroad at
We strongly recommend that Canadian children carry a consent letter if they are traveling abroad alone, with only one parent/guardian, with friends or relatives or with a group. For the purposes of this consent letter, a Canadian child is defined as anyone who is under the age of majority (18 or 19, depending on the province or territory of residence).
Amani Travel Health Clinic
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